
Corina Caba ,Oradea. Can’t feel „at home” here on earth, I know I am just passing by.

Corina Caba, Oradea . NU ma simt „acasa” aici pe pamant, mi-e clar ca sunt doar in trecere.

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  1. I read the article about you in the newspaper. Congrats!

  2. My dear Corina,

    My heart hurts for you as I think of what you must be going through with Alin. I wish I could be there to hug you and cry with you and just minister to you as you go through this incredibly difficult time.
    But be encouraged, as I know that God is looking at your heart right now and rejoicing that you care for His children. Who else could have filled Alin’s life with such love and compassion in this time? Your prayers for him were not in vain. They covered him with a protection that you can never know until we are removed from this physical world and can see the Spiritual.
    Don’t be downtrodden. Do not be dismayed. „Whatever you do unto the least of these, you do unto me.” You have ministered to Christ himself through the life of this little boy, and nothing goes to waste. You have touched so many lives through this little boy.
    How many doctors and nurses and social workers saw the love and compassion you had for this child that was ‘thrown away’? How many people in the churches were led to pray because of the compassion you gave them for this child? How many people were able to see for the first time unconditional love and grace? We can never know, but be assured that more than you know were touched by this ministry of Alin.
    So few people are able to pour themselves out. So few people say „Yes” to God when He asks us to do a thankless task. In the eyes of many, this was a fruitless ministry. In God’s eyes, the best ministry.
    Do not ask yourself what more you could have done. Do not criticize yourself. Do not push yourself to do more so that you are hurting yourself. Yes, my dear Corina, there is a need. There is a terrible need in the world for obediant workers like you, more than you or I can ever understand. But remember, my dear friend, that we must also leave God’s task in HIS hands. We must trust Him to care for His own. He made you human, and humans are limited, and He knows this. He loves you, and He loves these children more than you or I could. So trust Him to do what you cannot. Be at peace, dear Corina.
    I know your heart is hurting, your body is hurting, your eyes are tired and your emotions raw. Know that God is crying with you, but He has His child Alin in the palm of His one hand, and you are in the palm of His other hand. Rest there. You have done a good work. He has more for you to do, because He knows you will do it well.
    I am proud and blessed to call you my friend.
    May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make His face to shine upon you and give you Peace.
    May the God of Hope grant you the Peace that passes all understanding to be yours today and always.

    In Christ,


  3. Dear Corina,

    We love you in Christ!

    You are always in our prayers!

    „Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, THOUGH NOW FOR A LITTLE WHILE YOU MAY HAVE HAD TO SUFFER GRIEF IN ALL KINDS OF TRIALS. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

    God bless you and give you peace and comfort!

    Your brothers in Mexico,

    Karen & Rafael Juarez

  4. I am far away in America. I am crying for Alin. My daughters and I have been fervently praying for Alin and watching God to see what He would do. We all danced with joy and sang to God when we heard about his first surgery’s success. I will tell my sweet daughters, 4, 7 and 11 in the morning Alin has gone to be with Jesus. We will cry for you and your mother’s heart, but we will dance with joy and sing praises to God for sending Jesus to die and raise again for the abandoned, for loving the unwanted, for holding Alin in His arms fully pain and sorrow free. And we will praise God for YOU Corina Caba, for being Jesus to Alin, for pouring your mother-heart out for him. We were drawn to Alin because he reminds us of our sweet Benjamin, 2 and 1/2 yrs. old, he looks quite like our Benny in the pictures. We are drawn to you because you remind us of all of the missionary stories we’ve heard of ordinary women caring for little children not their own in extraordinary ways. We are drawn to you because you remind us of Jesus himself, pouring himself out for lost little sheep. Pouring His Love into them and giving them peace, comforting their hearts. Thank you so much from the Planalp ladies in America for your brave, precious service. Know that we will continue to love and pray for you and Alin’s brothers as your work is not finished there. Know that we love you. and we will be watching what God will do.

  5. Salut,
    Am cautat adresa ta de e-mail pentru ca vreau sa te invit sa participi la un proiect legat de carte numit “anul 2009 exprimat in carti”, proiect ce se desfasoara pana la sfarsitul lunii ianuarie. Pentru ca nu am gasit-o iti las aici un comentariu pe care il poti sterge ulterior.
    Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa ne spui care sunt cele 5 carti care te-au marcat sau impresionat placut in 2009 si sa le recomanzi in cateva cuvinte si altora.
    Mai multe detalii despre proiect gasesti aici http://www.blog.gramma.ro/?p=106.
    Multumesc si astept cu interes raspunsul tau.

  6. frumoase rânduri și versuri ale unei surori întru Christos. Iți sugerez să faci cunoscute poeziile tale pe http://www.resursecrestine.ro. Fii binecuvantată!
    Alexandru Draghici

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